Call and Voicemail Transcription: The Key to Improving Sales Training & Onboarding

Emily GregorLast updated on September 27, 2023
5 min

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We all understand the value of call recordings and voicemails for closing deals, training, and onboarding, but we also know that no one really has time to listen to the vast amounts of information they provide.

One way teams can rise above the tiring admin is through call and voicemail transcription. Instead of relying on your team’s memory or expecting them to listen back to hours of voicemails, call and voicemail transcriptions are simple to scan, share, and use for training and onboarding.

By using machine learning models and AI technology, our new transcription features for both calls and voicemails help your sales team get all the benefits without all the admin. Let’s dive into how this is a game changer for customer-facing teams.

5 Ways to Use Call and Voicemail Transcriptions to Drive Sales Success

1. Dive Deeper Into Call Analysis and Feedback

In just a scan, call and voicemail transcriptions can provide key intelligence for your business while helping you glean insights into your customers, product, team, and even competitors. Further, transcriptions are hugely valuable when it comes to giving feedback to your team—with real-world examples that can pinpoint aspects of a call that need work or praise. Whether it’s tone, pitch, and messaging—a transcription can help sales reps see their performance and pivot accordingly.

2. Increase Team Knowledge Sharing

Call and voicemail transcriptions are more accessible than personal notes and audio recordings, meaning teams can better collaborate to improve the customer experience. For instance, a sales rep can share transcripts with their manager to align on strategy or alert the wider team to an ongoing problem they want to get ahead of. Whatever the need, easily searchable and accessible transcriptions make knowledge sharing easier than audio recordings.

3. Personalize Your Coaching Strategy

Almost 60% of agents get very little out of the coaching their companies currently offer, and making time to invest in it can be tricky for business leaders right now. Call and voicemail transcription features can change all that, enabling leaders to offer personalized coaching that helps identify areas for improvement and offer specific advice and guidance through real-world examples. Aircall is already a true partner to the growth and development of your sales team, through features such as Call Whispering, Call Monitoring, and more. Now with call and voicemail transcription features, we can help your team take their sales strategy to the next level.

4. Improve Onboarding Efficiency

Across the sales industry, team attrition makes it tough to have a consistent level of customer service. While personnel changes are a natural part of any business, they can’t be allowed to impact your customer service. This is where call and voicemail transcription technology comes in especially handy, as it helps drastically reduce onboarding time for new teammates. By sharing easily accessible examples straight from the customer’s mouth—whether it’s a great conversation or a challenge-filled one—new team members can learn from their colleagues’ experiences and get up to speed quickly. 

5. Leverage Customer Insights

Call and voicemail transcripts have a pivotal role to play in leveraging customer insights so that your business never misses a beat. Transferred customers often experience an unintentionally bumpy journey where they have to repeat themselves. While Aircall already simplifies customer hand-offs through features like Warm Transfer, transcriptions provide a vital way for sales reps to quickly dive into the main points from previous calls and ensure you have as much context as the person on the other end of the line.

How to Implement Call and Voicemail Transcription for Your Sales Team

When it comes to implementing a call or voicemail transcription service, it’s essential your team not only can use it but wants to use it. This comes down to a combination of UX design and capabilities that help you reach your business goals.

If you’re planning on introducing call and voicemail transcription technology to your business, go through the questions below before you choose a provider: 

1. Is it easy to use? 

Whether your team is filled with digital natives or newbies, you need to ensure your software is easy to use. This is not only crucial to fast onboarding but will help your team remain agile in the fast-paced world of customer sales.

2. Does it speak your language? 

We’re not just talking about intuitive UX, but it’s essential you’re not leaving any global teams in the dark and that every language your team speaks is supported by your new transcription service.

3. Can it move at your pace? 

Built as a feature designed to save you time, you don’t want your team stuck waiting on a recording to process or trying to decipher typos. Aircall’s AI features transcribe at a rate of nine seconds per minute of audio—and you shouldn’t settle for anything less.

4. Can you take it with you? 

Teams want to feel empowered to work from anywhere. This means their tech should too. When choosing your voicemail transcription service, ensure it can be set up from anywhere your employees work, whether that’s at home, in the office, or on the go. 

5. Is it secure? 

Whether it’s the nature of the call or a customer inadvertently sharing personal or banking information, you should ensure your transcription setup is secure and that it meets the high security standards your customers expect. Even better is the ability to determine access based on assigned roles and permissions.

  1. Is it a true partner? 

A true partner won’t just make your SaaS ecosystem work better but your business too. Today, most sales teams are eager to cut costs, so choosing a transcription provider that’s included in your phone plan can make all the difference.

The Final Word

Call and voicemail transcriptions are a huge time-saver for sales teams, taking the pain out of trying to remember the detail of what was said or listening back to hours of messages for that single game-changing insight.

What’s more is that transcriptions can be a valuable resource for your team, helping refine customer service and satisfaction, onboard new members, and celebrate team members.

Customer-facing teams can be rewarding and challenging in equal measure,  but at Aircall we have the tools to make work simpler—empowering your team to find meaning in their conversations and spend their days on the work that matters most.

Read all about Aircall’s AI features and try a free trial today!

Published on May 19, 2023.

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